We would like to officially nominate Hannah Petrucci as the AYSO United AZ 2022-2023 candidate for National Player of the Year. Hannah is a high school senior and a member of the AYSO United Arizona 2005 State League girls’ team under Coach Michael Blair. Hannah has been with AYSO United since before we were a club. She was with AYSO as a member of Challenge FC and AYSO All Stars before that.

In addition to being a critical member of her club team, Hannah has had a very successful high school career. She was the leading scorer on her team with 46 goals, including two in the final match to win the state championship. As a high school player she is ranked 2nd overall in the state. As a player for AYSO United, Hannah was identified as a member of the first group for the ID64 program, hosted by AYSO United in San Diego CA. While competing with some of the top players of our club,

Hannah was selected to represent the national organization at the National TopTekkers competition in Orlando Florida this past December. Academically, Hannah is a member of the National Honor Society and currently has a GPA of 3.9. In addition to being an outstanding student, Hannah has volunteered her time at the Flagstaff Family Food Center, serving food to the homeless. She helps cook, package, and hand out meals. She is also active in her church assisting with projects like the Foster Care Clothing Closet. She helps sort secondhand clothes, put them into backpacks with hygiene kits, pj’s, and a toy. These backpacks are then brought to the Department of Children Services and given to kids recently taken from their families. When Hannah is on the pitch, you cannot help but notice her huge smile. There is no question she loves what she is doing and always seeks to improve herself.

*Quote from Leadership:

Hannah is an exemplary role model for young women all over our club. She is confident but not boastful or arrogant. She is an outstanding student and involved in her Community and Church. Although I had seen her play many times, it was her work ethic at the ID64 camp that earned the respect of her peers and the camp staff. We could not have asked for a better representative for the National TopTekkers competition; unfortunately, Hannah’s age prevented her for consideration to the International Competition. I have been personally interviewed by colleges interested in offering her a scholarship and I could not emphasize enough, the strength of her character. This is why I believe she is an excellent candidate for National Player of the Year.